Our Story

Duo Momentum is a duo specializing in partner acrobatics, skillfully enchanting audiences with daring acrobatic stunts, captivating them with tangible audience interaction, and entertaining them with surprising choreography. Duo Momentum’s story began in 2022 when two curious and playful souls crossed paths. It didn’t take long after their first meeting for the duo to realize the potential of this dynamic collaboration and set their sights on the stage. Since its inception, Duo Momentum has performed at diverse indoor and outdoor events such as the Jooga Om Yoga Festival, Spring Days of Koroinen, and interdisciplinary art events in the Turku and Helsinki regions.

The duo’s members are named Daniel and Heta, and here’s a little more about them.


Daniel, also known as Danno, is the unshakable cornerstone of the duo, primarily taking on the role of the lifter in most movements. Danno doesn’t discriminate against different sports but enjoys training in a versatile range of activities. Currently, Danno’s training consists mainly of acrobatics, handstand training, martial arts, and traditional weightlifting at the gym, in addition to Heta’s tossing. Outside of training, Danno works as a software consultant in the field of artificial intelligence, enjoys learning new things in general, and operates at his best fueled by coffee and chocolate.


Heta is the team’s creative and enthusiastic flyer who truly thrives on speed and heights. According to her own words, she loves this “human roller coaster” more than anything else. Heta’s diverse sports background includes traditional gymnastics, as well as disciplines such as soccer, horseback riding, and equestrian vaulting (acrobatics on horseback). Professionally, Heta is a communication specialist specialized in interaction and a seasoned sports coach. In performing, Heta believes that the best part is evoking intense emotions in the audience.